Solsticing! Have you been doing it?
Summer is my favorite time of year, and this year seems a bit more special. I had mentioned in the past when a deity calls ( and a new one has popped up in my life: Aine. Pronounced Ayne or Awn-ya, depending on where you look. I'd never heard of before, and she crossed my path in my readings about midsummer. Before Midsummer even began.
When a deity finds me, they tend to be pretty persistent. I will notice them everywhere. I was led to set aside a space for her, decorating a small table with my flower crown, candles and assorted crystals. She even showed up in a reading I did for myself. I hear you, Aine.
My message? Celebrate Solstice. Use this season, your favorite season, and get your work done. Ah yes, my work that is never ending. Not just my day job, although that is my calling. My work, the reason I was put here. To help others, to help heal, to help guide. As with other deities that show up in no uncertain terms, things soon started happening.
As one friend remarked, "You've been busy solsticing!" I have. One event leads to another, and I have celebrated with fellow women where our being Queens was celebrated. Rarely have I felt so supported and cherished as that evening, with friends and relative strangers. Onward to an art walk, where I helped lead ritual and was told that I brought peace and contentment to another with my words. Full moon ritual under a cloudy sky with fireflies and frogs croaking. We drank mugwort tea and called forth Aradia. I helped build community, was part of community, and wove people together in a cozy blanket. Soon after, I helped lead a Midsummer ritual for Mother Grove, as we danced under a sunny sky and lush trees.
What next? Still enjoying this season of warmth. My bones cannot get enough. I felt like I stayed frozen until May. Being outdoors as much as possible. Being full of gratitude.
And then?
Scheduling workshops, formulating plans. I am being called on a journey, to lead others on their journeys. More details as this unfolds.
I hope you solstice. Even if you don't like heat, enjoy cool mornings or evenings. Watch the sun rise or the sun set. Breathe in the scent of summer. The year is whirling by, and soon it will be cool all the time. Let the warmth soak deep within you. Celebrate anything and everything with friends and family. Savor the moments. That is what solsticing is about.