Long time, no blog! Apologies, friends. I blog for Patheos weekly, and between work and life, not much is left between. This blog is to catch you up on the In Between. Not that I think you are waiting with bated breath for my next blog installment here, but I do feel an obligation to record what is going on, in between seasons.
When we last left our story, I had finished up a conference or two. It's been a great year of reaping many seeds planted last year. If I write in a harvest metaphor, it's because we are in Harvest Season, and are about to celebrate the second of three harvest festivals in the Wheel of the Year. I take each celebration as a pause, to reflect and review what is happening in my life.
This year is not turning out the way I had thought it would. Not that it's a bad thing, but there have been so many twists and hairpin turns, and almost non-stop planetary chaos. I spend lots of time just catching my breath, focusing on being in the moment, centering and grounding. It has been a challenge, my friends.
My youngest moved to this area and has been dealing with health issues. As a mom, this affects me greatly. It's an excellent reminder to not take health for granted, nor time with your loved ones. He is slowly on the road to recovery, but it has been a challenge on so many levels.
I've written more than I have ever have in my life, on a more consistent basis. I feel like I am finding my voice, and have a wee but lovely following. To say I am grateful about this is an understatement.
I have shed things which no longer serve me, in advance of the trees. It feels scary yet good, to hone in on what means the most to me. It has become my mantra, in a way: family, friendships, work, writing, words, poetry, community. All have woven strong threads in my blanket of life, and symbolizes what remains.
My spiritual practice has deepened, and I am looking forward to strengthening my connection to Brigid via a retreat I will attend next month in Philadelphia. To be out of my usual comfort zone is something I genuinely look forward to, and I can't wait to tell you all about it.
I have been questioning my path, as recently as today, and as always, the Universe delivered. A lovely friend came by and reminded me of my purpose here. Building community, helping, healing, writing, teaching. I am humbled by the timeliness and clarity of the message.
One other thing has been made crystal clear to me: when magic is part of your life (whatever you call magic, or whatever it means to you) you feel a certain sureness and flow in your life. When life seems crazy and off-kilter (as it can be, especially this year) always return to center and do what you do best. Whether it be ritual, candle magic, meditation, honoring your ancestors, communing with your deities or beyond, it will remind you why you're here. And that is very satisfying indeed.